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Jeanne Mérer lives and works in Ireland. The foundation of her work for the past 15 years has been dance and drawing. She has recently embarked on a new creative process, tuning into the cycles of nature and connecting with herbalists as well as performing artists practicing BMC (Body Mind Centering) and Authentic Movement.


Childhood seeds were nurtured in the countries she grew up in: Egypt, Holland, Scotland, Borneo and England.


The first seeds on her artist’s path were sown in Lyon and Paris where she chose the life of an art student specialising in graphic design.

In Rome, Jeanne explored living in boxes: graphic design agency, computer screen, flat, agency, computer, flat... with a lot of Roman beauty on the side. But on the side. 


In 2000, she headed off to Dublin for the germination phase. 

6 years of creative research (contemporary and oriental dance, Japanese Butoh, poetic circus, street theatre, work of Hundertwasser) and practice (facilitating arts festivals and workshops, co-creating and exhibiting with various artists) led her to take a stand as an artist, with her first solo exhibition Papered Bodies.


At that point, something profound shifted and invited her on the very epic journey of an art café in Dublin (Piedescalso) followed by a vineyard and vegetable garden in France (Les Dessous du Cep) from 2007 to 2014.

This experience has transformed the way she approaches ‘art making’, ‘art being’, ‘art sharing’ and roots this deeply within the land, plants and trees surrounding her.

There is an urgent need to reconnect with our bodies and the earth. Art is Jeanne’s process to act on this and co-create with the people and plants she encounters.


Creative workshops go hand in hand with wild plant foraging, group painting sessions start off gardening in the veggie patch, performances kick off with planting a tree, exhibitions involve distilling flowers.

Calling out to our bones, rattling our hearts and sowing seeds in Wild Fertile Earth.

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